| 中文 | 英文译词 |
文化体制改革 | reform of cultural administrative system | |
2 | 文化(事业内部)机制改革 | internal reform of cultural institutions |
3 | 文化事业 | public cultural undertakings |
4 | 文化产业 | cultural industries |
5 | 文化事业单位 | cultural institutions |
6 | 社会文化和图书馆事业 | work of community culture and libraries |
7 | 经营性文艺演出 | commercial (art and cultural) performance |
8 | 经营性文化单位 | cultural enterprises |
9 | “全国舞台精品工程” | Works of Excellence on the Nation's Stage |
10 | “文化扶贫计划” | Culture-aid Program/Cultural Aid Program |
11 | “全国文化信息资源共享工程” | National Project for the Sharing of Cultural Information and Resources |
12 | “国家清史纂修工程” | National Project for the Recompilation of Qing Dynasty History |
13 | “三下乡”(文化、科技、卫生) | Bringing Culture/Science and Technology/Hygienic Health to the Countryside |
14 | “群星奖” | Galaxy Award (for amateur artists and community culture) |
15 | “文华奖” | Splendor Award (for professional theatrical artworks) |
16 | “荷花奖” | Lotus Award (for professional dance) |
17 | “孔雀奖” | Peacock Award (for ethnic minority artists and artworks) |
18 | “五个一工程奖” | the Best Works Award |
19 | “三个一百” | “A Hundred Patriotic Films/Songs/Books” List |
20 | 县县都有文化馆、图书馆,乡乡都有文化站。 | There should be cultural center and library in every county and cultural station in every township. |
21 | 文物保护方针“保护为主,抢救第一;合理利用,加强管理。” | ”principles for the protection of cultural heritage: “preservation with timely rescue; utilization under strict control”. |
22 | 全国重点文物保护单位 | important heritage site under state protection |
23 | 全国一级文物保护单位 | Class A Heritage site under state protection |
24 | 国家一级保护文物 | Class A heritage/cultural property under national protection |
25 | 保护和振兴地方戏曲 | protect and rejuvenate local operas |
26 | 曲艺 | Quyi folk show, chuyi folk show (folk ballads and story-telling, etc |
27 | 讴歌时代 | extol/hail/sing praise to (the progress of) the times |
28 | 国家一级演员 | National Class-A Actor/Actress/Performer/Artist |
29 | 晚会 | Evening performance, Soiree, Gala Night/Evening |
30 | 总策划 | Producer |
31 | 策划 | Executive Producer |
32 | 顾问 | Advisor |
33 | 主办 | under the auspices of / sponsored by / hosted by |
34 | 协办、支持 | co-sponsored by, supported by |
35 | 承办 | presented by |
36 | 监制 | supervised by |
37 | 创意 | event/concept designed by |
38 | 对外文化贸易 | international cultural trade |
39 | 对外文化传播 | international cultural communication |
40 | 对外文化宣传 | international cultural publicity |
41 | 小额文化援助 | small-fund aid for cultural development |
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