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1. 建设社会主义文化强国


1) develop a flourishing/thriving socialist culture in China

2) build China into a country with a thriving socialist culture


2. 两个结合


integrate the basic/underlying tenets of Marxism with China’s realities and the best of its traditional culture


3. 文化主体性


the identity of the Chinese culture


4. 文化自信自强


1) cultural confidence and strength/development

2) have confidence in our culture and continue to develop it


5. 文化基因


cultural roots/traditions/heritage


6. 外来文化本土化


1) adapt foreign cultures into the Chinese context

2) integrate foreign cultures with the Chinese culture


7. 中华文明的五大突出特性:连续性、创新性、统一性、包容性、和平性


1) five defining characteristics of the Chinese civilization: continuity, creativity, unity, inclusiveness and peacefulness/non-confrontation

2) The Chinese civilization has five defining characteristics―it is uninterrupted, innovative, unified, inclusive and peaceful.


8. 中华民族现代文明


1) modern Chinese civilization

2) the modern civilization of the Chinese nation


9. 国家级文化产业示范园区


a national-level demonstration zone for the cultural industry


10. “愚公移山”精神


1) Perseverance can move mountains.

2) the spirit of the old man who moved mountains with persistence


11. 坚定历史自信、把握时代大势、走好中国道路


1) take confidence from history/boost confidence in our history, navigate the trends of the times, and follow the Chinese path

2) take confidence from history/boost confidence in our history, understand and respond to the trends of the times, and follow the Chinese path


12. 文化惠民工程


1) cultural programs for public benefits

2) public cultural programs


13. 得民心者得天下,失民心者失天下


1) State power relies on the people’s support.

2) With popular support, one governs with legitimacy; with lack of popular support, one is deprived of legitimacy in governance.

3) Those who win the people’s hearts win the country, and those who lose the people’s hearts lose the country.


14. 山积而高,泽积而长


1) Converging with others builds a mountain range or creates a mighty river.

2) Hills amass to create a high mountain; streams converge to create a mighty river.


15. 修身、齐家、治国、平天下


Practice self-cultivation, maintain family harmony, conduct good governance, and guarantee peace.


16. 知者不惑,仁者不忧,勇者不惧


The wise are free from perplexity, the virtuous from anxiety, and the brave from fear.


17. 满足人民群众多样化、多层次、多方面的精神文化需求


1) satisfy the people’s diverse, multilevel and multifaceted cultural needs

2) meet the broadest range of public needs in the cultural and intellectual sphere


18. 增强国际话语权


1) amplify China’s voice on the international stage

2) make China’s voice better heard


19. 增强国家文化软实力


1) strengthen the country’s cultural soft power

2) build up/strengthen China’s cultural soft power


20. 守正不守旧、尊古不复古


1) Stay on the right course without following the beaten track; respect traditions but not obsolete/outdated practices.

2) Uphold fine traditions but not/eschew obsolete practices, and respect ancient wisdom but not/eschew antiquated thinking.




1. 全球文明倡议


Global Civilizations Initiative (GCI)


2. 人类文明新形态


1) a new model for human progress

2) a new form of human advancement


3. 中华民族共同体意识


1) a sense of national identity

2) the sense of the Chinese nation as one single community


4. 中华文明多元一体格局


1) Chinese civilization with unity in diversity

2) the hallmark of Chinese civilization: unity in diversity


5. 守望相助


1) stand together in times of adversity

2) reach out to help each other


6. 共商共建共享的全球治理观


1) the principle of achieving shared growth through consultation and collaboration in global governance

2) a vision of global governance to deliver benefits for all through consultation and collaboration